3 Emails Social Media Managers Need in Their Email Marketing Funnel

3 Emails Social Media Managers Need in Their Email Marketing Funnel

10 Lead Magnet Ideas for Social Media Managers Reading 3 Emails Social Media Managers Need in Their Email Marketing Funnel 6 minutes Next How to Write Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

As a social media service provider, email should be a key component of your marketing strategy.

Having an email list helps you easily stay connected with potential clients, nurture those relationships, and promote your services. 

We’ve spoken with many social media managers who know just how important email marketing is when it comes to attracting better leads and landing more clients, but often they’re uncertain of where to start – so they don't! 

Most of the time it goes something like this:

How do I attract ideal clients to my email list?…”

“Once I have a list, what should I send & how often should I send it?...”

“Most importantly, how do I convert email subscribers into clients?...” 

We’re huge proponents of keeping it simple with your email marketing strategy. It doesn’t have to be complicated – and the payoff is HUGE if you can stay consistent!  

Having mastered the art of converting casual email subscribers into new clients & customers ourselves, we’re sharing exactly what you need to get started.  

Here are 3 emails social media managers need in their email marketing funnel…  

1 | Welcome Sequence

Your welcome sequence is the first impression you make on a new subscriber. It's typically a series of automated emails that are triggered when someone signs up for your email list. 

These emails should introduce your business, deliver value, and possibly even promote an introductory offer to encourage the subscriber to take immediate action.

Here are some elements to include in your welcome sequence:

  • Freebie Delivery: To grow your list, offer a free resource (often called a lead magnet) or bonus content as a way to incentivize new leads & give them a taste of the kind of value you provide.

  • Business Introduction: Introduce your business by explaining what you do and how you help your clients. Consider this email a virtual handshake, share the benefits of working with you, and most importantly – let your personality shine!

  • Provide Value: In addition to your valuable lead magnet, it’s a good idea to start the relationship off strong by “overdelivering on value” right away. You can do this over a few follow up emails (after delivering the freebie) by sharing helpful tips, industry insights, social proof, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business.

  • Promote an Offer: Since you’re already showing up in your new subscriber’s inbox (delivering so much good stuff) it’s the perfect time to let them know how they can work with you. Encourage your new lead to take the next step by promoting a new service, special offer, or even an exclusive discount on your products or services.



The Email Essentials Bundle has everything you need to start & grow an email list — then nurture & convert new subscribers into clients and customers!


2 | Consistent Value Emails

Weekly, biweekly, or monthly “value emails” are the nuts & bolts of your email marketing strategy. Similarly to how you want to remain visible on social media, you’ll want to stay visible inside a lead’s inbox. 

These emails are what you send consistently, based on your email marketing calendar, in order to stay top-of-mind with your subscribers while providing ongoing value. 

Some ideas for consistently delivering value in your emails include:

  • Social Media Content: If you’re already creating content consistently on Instagram or TikTok, you can repurpose that information and share it as an email newsletter. Remember, not everyone sees everything you post, so this is a great way to curate & share your best content in one place. 

  • Blog & Youtube Content: If you create regularly for a blog or Youtube channel, you can send out a notification whenever you publish new content. This helps drive traffic back to your website or Youtube channel & keeps your subscribers engaged. 

  • News & Industry Updates: Your leads are likely not paying as much attention to trends, new platform features, or algorithm updates as you are. Keep subscribers in the loop by sharing relevant industry news! In addition to sharing the latest headlines, add your thoughts & opinions regarding these updates as a way to build your authority & credibility as a thought leader. 

Ready to build a list filled with dreamy social media client leads? The Email Starter Kit for SMMs is your first step!

This FREE guide includes everything you need to get started with email marketing:


3 | Promotional Emails

Promotional emails are where the magic happens. And if you don’t sell your services, who will?!

In addition to delivering consistent value, you should regularly & very directly promote your products or services to your list. Send emails whenever you have an opening on your roster, or plan a campaign to promote brand new offers or services.

Some ideas for promotional emails include:

  • Sales & Promotions: Let your subscribers know about any sales or discounts you're offering on your products or services. You can offer limited time deals or special rates for a specific number of people to create a sense of urgency & book out services faster. 

  • Social Proof: Share success stories, testimonials and case studies for existing clients and promote your services in the same email. Showcasing the results you’re getting for existing happy clients is a great way to sell your services without “feeling salesy.”

  • Launch New Offers: Build up the excitement and anticipation around new services & other valuable offers by creating longer email campaigns. Pro-tip: Never launch a service and only mention it once – make it a WHOLE BIG THING and mention it on both social and to your email list.